Application Form for GAA

Access data

Account details

You must enter a valid e-mail address
in order to use your account

The password must be at least 6 characters long
and contain at least one upper case letter, one lower case letter
and one number.

Private details

Personal details









*   (TT.MM.JJJJ)

Business details





None specified Change website




Social Media

Social Media

None specified Change website

None specified Change website

None specified Change website

None specified Change website

Profile picture



The image must not be larger than 600 x 800 pixels!






As a JPG image and no larger than 1,000 x 1,500 pixels



As a JPG image and no larger than 1,000 x 1,500 pixels






As a JPG image and no larger than 1,000 x 1,500 pixels

Admission requirements

A member must have a degree recognised by the Lorange Institute of Business Zurich, the GSBA or its partner universities or be a student of the PhD, MBA or MSc programme. Membership in the first commenced calendar year is free of charge. In the following year, a membership fee of CHF 120/€ 80 is charged. The admission of a member for the current year is decided by the Board of Directors.

Der Beitrittserklärung ist eine Kopie der Diplomurkunde respektive des Studienpasses (für Alumni und Members) beizulegen.

Once the declaration of membership has been received and accepted by the Board of Directors, the new member (alumni/member) will be sent the Articles of Association and can benefit fully from the membership and participate in the various events from this point onwards...

Additional information AGB


GAA Partner