GAA - Promoting Connections for Life

The GAA Alumni Network (GAA) is an independent alumni organization for graduates of MBA, PhD, MSc, CAS, BBA, and BOEK-courses of the Lorange Institute of Business Zurich, GSBA, and their partner universities. Networking is the main focus of all our activities. We are convinced that personal networks play a crucial role in the business world and the GAA seeks to continuously expand and promote such networking. We attach particular value to professional exchange and knowledge transfer. Every year we organize many events related to training or new developments in the world of business. However, the social component is important in the GAA as well, since developing friendships is the best basis for a functioning network.

The Objectives of the GAA:

  • Development and use of the ATM network through events & a web-based communication platform 
  • Support of know-how transfer through events & web-based knowledge exchange and forums
  • Provision of services for members (marketplace jobs & orders, knowledge exchange)
  • Maintaining contact and cooperation with the Lorange Institute of Business Zurich

GAA Partner